Thursday, August 21, 2014

I write under a very old pseudonym of mine
Black Wid0w
It allow me to write with out all the embarrassment and insecurity's that we all have when we first start to write.
Over the years I've gained a measure of some slight confidence... though i still tend to cling a pseudonym like a favorite and comfortable old sweater wrapping me securely in a measure of anonymity
Born in Scotland I moved to America in 2001 where i continued to write and even exhibit some of my paintings,
under the name of MiTcH
(yep i still feel the need to hide behind the veil of pseudonym)

For me writing is mainly a catharsis, an exorcism of the soul
done mainly to chase away the demons of my mind
although some of my poems are more for hope for dreams
an escape from the darkness, a candle to draw me out of the shadows of bipolar and into the light